
Looking for a Leader

Looking down the pike to the Iowa primary come January 14th, democrats are scrambling for the party endorsement. While I find it difficult to imagine real change will come via the democratic ticket, we have reached a breaking point in this country, especially as it relates to foreign and environmental policy. The same could be said relating to education and healthcare, and although these too, are pressing issues, averting climatic catastrophe and nuclear annihilation are dire concerns in need immediate attention.


Rumors of an Evangelical

The following is a response to a chain email that I received from a friend of mine who knew little about Islam but had enough sense to ask me about subject before contributing to the ignorance propagated online and in the media. The title of the article being circulated is Allah or Jesus. The author demonstrates the typical credentials of a first rate an Islamaphobe, i.e., ignorance of the faith in which he denounces and an astounding negligence for historic fact regarding his own faith….