
Responding to the Fort Hood Tragedy by Imam Zaid Shakir

The following is Imam Shakir's response to the shooting at the US Army base at Fort Hood. To the Muslim American community, this incident was not only a tragic loss of life, it was a massive blow to all of the interfaith efforts which have tirelessly come together to present the beauty of Islam and the Muslim community. I'm always astounded how such isolated actions, committed on an individual level, can serve as the representation of entire populations. Attacks of this severity illustrate the importance of returning to classical models of teaching and learning within the Muslim community. Contrary to the neo-con-know-nothings, the acts committed by Mr. Hasan have no foundation in any Islamic teachings authenticated in the Qur'an and Sunnah (ways of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be unto him), and are in fact, contrary to these foundations. Imam Shakir presents substantive material which debases any claims by those misguided persons, be they Muslim or otherwise, seeking to undermine the religion of Islam, knowingly or unknowingly.


Attack on Gaza

The following item is a correspondance between myself and two Christians, one of whom is a pastor, regarding the war on Gaza that broke out last year. Pastor CW spawned the conversation after recieving an email from a Christian-Zionist.