Throughout the history of the modern nation state, politicians and agenda-driven media personalities, have maligned ethnic and religious minority communities. In most cases, race has been the trigger used in marginalization. During times of economic prosperity, calls to politically disenfranchise or define minorities as “unworthy” of equal protection under the law are reduced to a murmur and occasionally being in association with such views even become a political liability. When an economic or political downturn begins to spiral, however, the murmurs hovering just below the surface gradually begin to fester and amass sympathetic listeners. As the audience grows, the frequency of these messages begins to reverberate and zero in on those persons, who for some reason or other, are viewed outside acceptability. Distrust can be aroused from something as minor as a foreign tongue. Suspicions about what the other believes turn to fear, and fear to animosity; in its most insidious manifestation: hate.
das politik exists primarily as a journal wherein frustrations are vented and ideas are brought to the forefront of a reality that at times seems to undercut the foundation of its very being. agree, disagree, question, remain neutral or stuck in the grips of the status-quo if you will− to each is their own prerogative. question. think. leave with your own mind.
"Christopher Hitchens Destroys Another Terrorism Apologist" −Not exactly.
Rencently, I was spurred into watching a "debate" between Christopher Hitchens and Chris Hedges, as posted within this entry. I am familiar with the participants and have gleaned useful information from each of their works on occasion. The editing is rather choppy and it is evident any rebuttal has been deleted so I am not in a position to defend Mr. Hedges, however, Mr. Hitchens' understanding of Islam and what it represents reduces him to the level of an ignoramus, insofar as his knowledge of Shari’ah and jihad are concerned...
A Tree Has Fallen in the Forest
The following is a reprint from New Islamic Directions, reproduced here by permission. It begins with an allegory drawn between the modern phenomenon of silencing popular movements simply by ignoring them, the tree that falls silently in the forest, presumeably because no one is around to hear it come crashing down. In today's popular climate of hatred toward and fear of all things Islamic, political spin doctors in the likes of Bill O'Reilly and Newt Gingrich are doing their best to paint the Muslim world population with the stain of a terrorist threat or, at the very least, willing sympathizers to acts considered abhorrent to our Islamic prophetic tradition. One of the better portrayals of what this can lead to was exhibited in Author Miller's Focus. As it pertains to the following, it should be well understood nine years after the events of September 11th, 2001 that those responsible have repeatedly been condemned by representatives across the Muslim spectrum, yet...
The Founders and Religious Exclusivity
Around every fourth of July, Americans are encouraged to reflect on their country’s struggle for independence−a struggle largely inspired by those values we, as a people, take a great deal of pride in espousing, perhaps none more than those guaranteed in the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press...”[1]
An Open Letter to a Taxi Company
In recent weeks, the adult entertainment industry has leaped into a propagation campaign to promote itself via taxi cab advertisements.
A Concept of Freedom
Most people would agree that the fundamental difference between humans and animals is the ability to reason. In Islam, we learn that this is indeed the case. Animals act out of instinct as opposed to calculated analysis or a rational concern for the well being of others. What may be considered an inferior trait is quite arguable, however. After all, animals are less capable of acting out of malice or against moral law or din, as such, whereas humankind is accountable to God for each and every action committed. As it relates to the Day of Judgment, Yawm al-Din, Allah ta’ala informs us: “…whoever has done an atom’s weight of good shall see it, but whoever has done an atom’s weight of evil will see that.” (99:7)
Seattle Billboard Campaign to End the $30 Billion to Israel

The Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel has launched a billboard campaign calling on the American public to take action against the US military aid supplied to Israel. While our nation's economy is in the toilet, schools are unable to retain staff, libraries are closing, and the deficit continues to spin out of control, the Obama administration continues to funnel billions to the paraiah state of Israel- all this despite the President's tough talk on halting settlements into the West Bank. In the meantime, Prime Minister Netanyahu spits in the face of human decency and International Law, laughing all the way to the bank to cash in our tax dollars. To recall a once enthusiastic statement of purpose, "Yes We Can." If those who administer our tax revenue refuse to recognize what the rest of the world understands is an aparthied regime, it is up to those of us who still believe change is possible, and believe in universal justice, to stand up. Write your congress person to protest the contunued use of your tax dollars to bulldoze homes in the West Bank, and seal off Gaza from recieving basic necessities. Please join this effort: contact the organizers to start a campaign in your city or see the Palestinian Solidarity Committee of Seattle for more inforation.
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