The Coalition to Stop $30 Billion to Israel has launched a billboard campaign calling on the American public to take action against the US military aid supplied to Israel. While our nation's economy is in the toilet, schools are unable to retain staff, libraries are closing, and the deficit continues to spin out of control, the Obama administration continues to funnel billions to the paraiah state of Israel- all this despite the President's tough talk on halting settlements into the West Bank. In the meantime, Prime Minister Netanyahu spits in the face of human decency and International Law, laughing all the way to the bank to cash in our tax dollars. To recall a once enthusiastic statement of purpose, "Yes We Can." If those who administer our tax revenue refuse to recognize what the rest of the world understands is an aparthied regime, it is up to those of us who still believe change is possible, and believe in universal justice, to stand up. Write your congress person to protest the contunued use of your tax dollars to bulldoze homes in the West Bank, and seal off Gaza from recieving basic necessities. Please join this effort: contact the organizers to start a campaign in your city or see the Palestinian Solidarity Committee of Seattle for more inforation.