The following is a reprint from New Islamic Directions, reproduced here by permission. It begins with an allegory drawn between the modern phenomenon of silencing popular movements simply by ignoring them, the tree that falls silently in the forest, presumeably because no one is around to hear it come crashing down. In today's popular climate of hatred toward and fear of all things Islamic, political spin doctors in the likes of Bill O'Reilly and Newt Gingrich are doing their best to paint the Muslim world population with the stain of a terrorist threat or, at the very least, willing sympathizers to acts considered abhorrent to our Islamic prophetic tradition. One of the better portrayals of what this can lead to was exhibited in Author Miller's Focus. As it pertains to the following, it should be well understood nine years after the events of September 11th, 2001 that those responsible have repeatedly been condemned by representatives across the Muslim spectrum, yet...